New information: chavettes (England) and nedettes (Scotland)
Chavettes e Nedettes
(traduzir para gunettes em português)
Female chav.sterotypical chavette has bleached hair,short skirts,fake designer tops.and ugg boots.also has scraped back hair,fake gold hoops,smokes continulously,drinks,admires her fellow chavs and rarely not seen wit a baby.
Social worker: "I'm sorry to inform you, Miss Shelley but eh because you are only 16 years old, it is not legal for you to be looking after your 6 children so we're gonna have to take them away, there is nothing you can do"
Chavette or Nedette: "wit da fuk min, ye canna dae aht, ah luk ufder mah waynes wi aw ah got"
Female chav.sterotypical chavette has bleached hair,short skirts,fake designer tops.and ugg boots.also has scraped back hair,fake gold hoops,smokes continulously,drinks,admires her fellow chavs and rarely not seen wit a baby.
Social worker: "I'm sorry to inform you, Miss Shelley but eh because you are only 16 years old, it is not legal for you to be looking after your 6 children so we're gonna have to take them away, there is nothing you can do"
Chavette or Nedette: "wit da fuk min, ye canna dae aht, ah luk ufder mah waynes wi aw ah got"